They give public money…

He cuts pensions, once, twice, and three times. This means the Dalaiiki government puts its hand in the Greek pocket. And he jumps on top of it with higher taxes. And hats in the hat of gasoline, ouzo, in whatever the victim buys from the supermarket.

Why; Let the damage come from the memoranda, he says. Papers. The truth is that francs are easy for the government to make its pre-election game.

Terrible things. Nothing changes in Greece. These are the terrible and terrible things. The government, without asking soft Greek taxpayers, "bought" seven PAE TV rights with state money.

Can I call it scandal? Crime. How am I suppose to say it. Donate public money to an anti-market product. You're dealing with carabinieri, diplomat cheats. Illegal batch forums and presented as saviors. To whom, to whom?

In a business that is not profitable, a padlock falls! Straight. Otherwise the damage is not limited to the owner of the company, but it also touches the public, and the society.

But why did the syringe do the unthinkable? To house seven TV shows whose games are not of interest to them. WHY; Businesses make Tsipras party. Pre-election businesses. One hundred hundred electoral rigs are this.

The government hopes to get one more vote because it will "normally" take part in a championship of a PAE, which would stay out of television without revenue. Greece is such a buzzard. That is? There are a bunch of fuckers who vote for their kid. We are both in the mood. We said. Didn't we say? Nothing changes on the bodysuit. Before and on a memorandum. With junta and with ... first left.

And in the conversation the question arises. The government after doing one, why not the other. After putting his hand up, he is in the private, professional football, with the financial support of ... homeless PAE, why not affect the league in another way? In order to get this team out and not another champion. Arrange which teams will qualify in Europe, who will be relegated. Shit.

People are plaque cheaters. I'm talking about the Syrians who have become the situation too. They are politicians. Not mobsters. Impotent, weightless, unreliable comrades are outside their party group.
