Ordered service…

The transient. What comes and goes. That comes and goes. That which does not stand permanently somewhere, that is not regular. What he can bet on, that he will not stay, that he will leave, that he will disappear. 

Sports justice. Enforcement of laws and rules related to sports. This justice, which consists of regular judges, with the task of resolving disputes arising from sports disputes, relates to sporting events, touches and applies to sporting events, athletes, sports countries, visitors to sports venues.

Transient sports justice. Sports justice in Greece.

No, you do not read a dictionary, you read a lexicographical explanation of how tribourdelo is what some in Greece still call sports justice. That has been destined to break the nerves of those who are still involved in football - and not only that. But we are talking about football now.

Mars had begun this season with six points less than the rest. At zero everyone, at - 6th Mars. Why; Due to decisions of the sports judge who punished Aris for the case of forgery of the card of one of his old football players, Laskov. And when we say that he was punished, we mean that there was a hearing, evidence was submitted, witnesses were examined and a sports judge imposed a sentence according to the decision he made and it was obviously convicting.

And one day comes before the end of the regular duration of the period, the decision of the CAS to which the team of Thessaloniki had appealed. And he examines the decision of the sports judge of Greece, the data, the evidence, the confessions, comes to the conclusion and makes the decision that all these are bullshit and that Aris had nothing to do with all this nonsense. He acquits the yellow and blacks who are taking back their six points and from where he was in an A position in the ranking, he was found in another A + 6b. And those teams that were in the middle position were found to be in a difficult position and to change their own data from one decision,… re-decision and re-decision! Is Mars to blame? No. Is it Panathinaikos's fault? Neither. OFI? In no case. Then how can OFI or Panathinaikos pay for the marble? And should Panathinaikos be ranked 4th and OFI outside Europe?

And since I said OFI. Why, what does OFI have to do with this whole festival with Aris? All. Apart from the festival with Aris, PAS Giannina also got another five points. But here he did not even have to rush to CAS or PAS. He was right. Because simply the paragraph with which Aivathmia was punished, did NOT result in the deduction of points. And finally they removed it! Why; Come on…

This is the Greek sports justice. He makes a mistake, cries a three-legged championship and instead of shouting a team or two, they shout 4 or 8 or even 14. It does not matter. For Greek sports justice, little matters. The team does not care. The ordered service and the speculation. She cares…

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