Give and take …

What to say; We live in a time when money is dominated by football, sport has become an industry, and footballers are considered assets ... Not for their own pockets and for their own pockets, but for their team, their appetites and others' funds!

For more than ten days, an aircraft was lost in the Channel Sea. This was followed by an 28 young man from Santa Fe's Colulu, there in northeast Argentina, who came to Europe to pursue his dream of becoming a professional footballer. To pull the family and himself out of poverty, to change the lives of himself and his descendants in part…

The game ... comes alive with a premium 5% * in Superleague and a return to the Premier League.

According to the French newspaper L'Equipe, in a communication Sal had with his manager, William Macai, in an effort to find a company that would transport him from French Nantes to Cardiff, Wales, his agent said: "I make more than 600 transcripts a year, I don't care about your personal belongings, your finances and your family, I'm just doing business!" Stinky? This attitude demonstrates how commercialized football has become, sidestepping the human side. He didn't care about the details of the manager, if the player had to sign, he would spend the rest of his life the other day! Incredible ...

Bad lies, we live in an age where money dominates football, it dominates. The sport has become an industry and footballers are considered assets that clubs invest in in order for cash to flow into their coffers. I'm not saying, it 's remarkable how much the king of sports has grown up, but the human side has taken second place and that should concern us. We have "forgotten" if not to focus, at least to take into account the protagonists, who are none other than the footballers. In every country that does not have a huge production of football talent, every year a group of foreign footballers arrives. Same in Greece. Of these, some leave without even seeing their face. An unrestrained give and take, successive transactions, and little interest on a human level. Non-existent!

Countless markets and super odds on

Nisafi now. Human well-being must be our priority. Every team that wants to work with respect, responsibility and professionalism towards the people it employs or serves (if it is an agent) must be constantly vigilant and work consistently and preventively towards their human side. Debt wages, blackmail, cannons and changes in VAT and statutes to serve economic purposes, let us decide as a society that it is now an irreversible past! Otherwise, since the descent is over, we have reached the bottom, we will start as a football and as a society not to emerge, but to scratch the bottom of the barrel…
