Fake News…

Never before a government in Greece has not gone to the chair with lies. With fake news and paid media, with armies of paid communicators and thousands of journalists not to be journalists, but to be government spokesmen. To be paid not from sales and advertisements, but from Petsa Packages, from suspensions while working, from government and state funds. And do not open the nostril. Amazing things! And let the straight ones pop on you one after the other. And the coronavirus fiasco and the top management in the world has brought close to 15.000 dead. And so many others have left to be saved. Let the fires break out, in the most vulgar gang of all time that ransacked 110 dead from a truly unexpected natural disaster. And we mourn after 1.500.000 acres of forest. And tens of hundreds of burned houses and 2-3 dead that were not heard in any Media! Awesome? Not to mention because he died in the fire from a heart, and did not become coal. Listen there, separation even in human death is enough!

And to close the cycle of the fapa, to eliminate the evil, the phase with Apostolakis also pops up. Not the Army, the extreme back of our heart and our national team, the Admiral and former minister. Where did Gomenos wear the fez on Sunday and what did he do? Transcription! How did Borelli of Vardinogiamnis once leave him and go and bring Maleko? And Charalambidis afterwards? Well, so does "Moses" from Lindl. He brought the former Cypriot Minister to get the fez out of his head.

And as a dessert? The scabbard from Zagorakis also pops. Hello and good luck, you are funny and I do it lightly, said indirectly but very clearly the leader of "Epic 2004". And after a few months of taking the elections and the position of president in the EPO, with the blessings of the prime minister, he decided to run. And the position is being emptied, and the prime minister is being emptied. And now; A championship starts with "bridge transfers" (see Aris-Olympiacos-Legia), the president of P.O. to beat her because everything is brothel and the government to insist on the funniest and most failed in the conscience of the world Minister of all time. The epic Avgenakis who also said complex to the people of Chania and did not move a stone.

Where are you going in the 2021-22 season so; You are not going anywhere. Other seasons were about to end, right? Where should it not even start? It "promises" bad messes to the bows that process it. Remember…

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