We are talking about show…

I ate it on the map, my ears were tired of hearing it. That such a team is indifferent. This bullshit by the speakers also happens. They tell me, that is, "Keep in mind that you are watching a game in which one team does not burn for the result, because it has qualified, even if it loses…". What do you say, irrelevant hours. They are unrelated.

That does not exist. We're talking about body. For commercial television viewing. Which means that all teams are obliged to be interested in the match. And to facilitate the conversation, make it absolutely football, another match, another final result. The teams are called on the field to play ball, not to score, anyway.

The champions league, if you take it pride, first it is a spectacle, first it obeys the rules of the trade body, and then it is football, with both teams having the agony of winning, avoiding victory.

The team that will show indifference, that is, an anti-commercial, anti-football behavior, will be punished. Not according to the laws! He will be blacklisted because he sabotages the event. They will tear it apart with a set referee. Both in Europe and in the championship of her country.

So what; Let the group that will appear μας spoil our store… indifferent, as it is foolishly characterized by the local announcers.

email> freekick@tipsmaker.net