
The eternal departure of Pele for the eternal meadows, for the paradise of the Christians or the garden of uri and pilafs of the Moslem, he put a definitive end to an eternal controversy. In the eternal dilemma. Pele or Maradona. Come on now, that's always been the dipole. And let's be serious. Ronaldo is good and the short Messi is one of the few players, but the question that accompanied us was always the only one, the first and foremost of all. Pele or Maradona?

Pele for housewives, the older ones, bonito and Seleção gambling lovers, whatever it is, as long as it's Seleção. And Maradona for the rebels, the "problematic", the revolutionaries, with a reason or not it doesn't matter today. And tonight the end of the bipolar was written. Pele or Maradona? And the answer is: The deceased is entitled. Whoever dies is vindicated. And every question wins. Last year the planet mourned Diego and millions of people made an unrepeatable exodus procession to the Argentinian demigod, these days the globe bids farewell, as befits him, as football's planet ruler, the Brazilian God.

What the smartest is doing today football mind, they say, they were conceived and made first by Pele. OK, with a dose of exaggeration, but it shows exactly the mood. Pele was the first to conceive of almost everything. Football simplicity, sealing a phase for 100 years without touching a ball. To be charged for the most epic triple and to have touched the ball only to end the phase and -finally- send it out.

Pele didn't play never in Europe. He only stepped on turf football mats a few times. He ate his canes only in Brazilian stadiums, wrote history with Santos and finally when they let him play abroad only MLS was left for him. And he made a move from there to wear the jersey of the New York Worlds who are no longer even on the rosters of the US league. Yet he has managed to make his name count more than anyone else in history.

Pele is dead. And he himself answered the eternal question, Pele or Maradona. In a way that is open to doubt. "Distefano is top of all". That's how he answered. And it became more obvious than ever that FOR EACH OF US THE TOP AND THE GOAT IS DIFFERENT!

Best of his era and one of the greatest of all time. This was Pele who passed away. And we bow before him with emotion because he was the one who turned 10 from a number, to the number that equals a football leader. He turned football into bonito gambling. The world cup in ... world cup. And Brazil in the national team of the whole world.

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