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LVIII Super Bowl 2024 bets

Playmaker – Betting by subscription

The Super Bowl is the ultimate finale in the USA. It's the final of the year in the NFL, American football. What in Europe most people would describe as "something like rugby", "that unpleasant game with the melon". and something like that usual. Well, it has nothing to do with rugby. And it's not unpleasant at all. It is an absolutely spectacular game, with terrible phases, often large swings in the score, real athletic battle. And when you learn how to play it, so that you can follow it with fluency, then you realize that it is a GAME. Tonight, in the 58th Super Bowl, the defending champion Chiefs from Kansas will be seeking their 4th trophy in their history. And they will face the five-time NFL champions, the San Francisco 49ers. It will be one of the few and that's not an estimate, it's a certainty! – Betting by subscription

All season long the 49ers have been far superior, offensively they have done... papas and rightfully won first place in the regular season. The Chiefs struggled to find their best selves, but projected experience and concrete defense to reach a second straight Finals, even if they played as clear 3,05 underdogs in the semifinals against regular-season runner-up Baltimore. which they summarily threw out of the Super Bowl. – Betting by subscription

In October they met for the regular season game and the Chiefs showed they are the boss. A 44-23 win over the usurpers of the throne. But what does one more loss or one more win in October mean? Nothing. Tonight at the big date in Las Vegas will be another, completely different match. And it starts at 0-0. – Betting by subscription

The boss of the champion team from Kansas is Pat Mahomes. The NFL's all-time leading Quarterback (QB) after the ...retirement of the ultimate star, the many-time GOAT Tom Brady. Opposing him is Brock Purdy. A - for many - clone of Mahomes. Who lived the ultimate dream. He started as the 49ers rookie and third QB last year and after the first two were injured, he came in and took the team from the clutch and the 8th place, having a terrible third quarter in the regular season and putting them, not just in the playoffs, but in the top four! – Betting by subscription

Stars expected to shine tonight? In Kansas, the record holder Tight-End, Travis Kelce (already considered one of the best Tight Ends in the history of the league) and Paseko (Running Back who is having a terrible season in his second year with the team with non-stop TDs), Rice. In the 49ers, on the other hand, the incredible McCaffrey, probably the Running Back of the year who scores this year and... from his home. But also Wide Receivers Dibo and Ayuk who have been training all year and "promise" the match of their lives tonight. – Betting by subscription

What are we playing? Chiefs experience and Mahomes quality? The 49ers form and excitement Purdy? Although the odds have San Francisco a clear 1,76 favorite, many people fell for Kansas' 2,05-2,10. And initially, with the end of the semi-finals, that's where my eye had gone, on value. But when something looks like value but he believes the same - and all the dust falls on him, then I cut mud with ... light jumps. And I'm going with the form of San Fran and the excitement of the franchise's next big thing. And with miracle-crazy Purdy. And since 9/10 times the MVP is the champion's QB, the Purdy MVP paying 3,30 has value and sense. If San Fran takes the title and for some reason Purdy has not won the MVP title, absolute logic says that an offensive lineman who drove people crazy and scored at least two TDs will have. And CMC shows such appeal. Chris McCaffrey MVP pick at 5,00. – Betting by subscription

In closing, let us point out that the premier celebration of American sports has bets for every taste, from the most reasonable (win, handicap, total match points, etc.) to the most god-awful (what color gatorade will coach so-and-so wear, what shoes what Jay-Z will wear, if Taylor Swift's panties will show, how many seconds the national anthem will last for 68-year-old country singer Riba McIntyre, etc.). – Betting by subscription

In these special bets, I would comfortably play Red for the liquid Gatorade, considering the colors the two teams have in common (red/white). Of course, many people think this, but it excites me 9,00 of Gatorade color to the winning coach to be Red/Pink. – Betting by subscription

Date: Events Pick Stake Odds Profit

San Francisco vs. Kansas – LVIII Super Bowl

Purdy MVP

100 3.30 -100

San Francisco vs. Kansas – LVIII Super Bowl

McCaffrey MVP

50 5.00 -50

San Francisco vs. Kansas – LVIII Super Bowl

Gatorade to the winner coach Red/Pink

50 9.00 -50