Best ever…

It draws today the biggest derby on the planet. Or is it not a derby? Are we talking about a rigged game and has it been judged before the referee, the supreme judge, whistles its start? Be that as it may, whether it turns out to be a double for Biden or Trump walks for a second consecutive victory, the match is of interest to huge crowds. Not just in the US, but billions of people across the globe will be stuck on their televisions and computers learning minute by minute what is happening in America. Or they will go to the internet 2-3 times to be informed without doing overnight about the results. But surely the election of a President in the USA is the most interesting regular political event in the globe whenever they happen. They really steal the show.

And here the conversation begins. Who will win; How and why? What is in our interest as Greece, if it is in our interest of course. And the experts tell you that the derby will be a derby again this year. Which means Trump has already won. Even if he loses. The winner is the dyed hamburger and only the bunch went to be judged on the delays. 

Do not forget how we got to today. For four years, Trump was the favorite for a second term. And he "ate" all his potential opponents one by one until last February, with the big favorite of the Democrats, Bernie Saunders, resigning while he was one of the favorites for the candidacy. And to give the underdog Biden the opportunity to be the person of the year, getting the anointing of the candidacy on behalf of his party.

Biden he is accused of two things. From the Democrats that he is very… Republican and from the Republicans that he is… very old. Ρε ήμαρτον. Is Biden old at 78 and is Trump a werewolf at 74? Mercy of course somewhere. Otherwise, the λί lad is accepted by all political wings as a decent person who would not have had any luck with the… battleship Trump if we were not in the midst of a huge health crisis!

Parenthesis. Warlike, of course, the big businessman has the communication talent to push what he says even if the biggest paparazzi or the top stupidity that a politician could utter comes out of his mouth. He has managed to go bankrupt 6 times and sells specialization for finances! He has been accused of misogyny, sexism and horns with his respective partners and sells ethics. It has given the impression, that is, that the dervish yalaji sells ice to Eskimos! The parenthesis closes.

In the USA the president who asks for a vote for a second term by 2-74% gets it. It is not Trump who is going to do the shooting. Biden is chasing the surprise. From Washington to Obama, 75 incumbent presidents have called for re-election and only five have lost by campaigning from the Oval Office. The last lost president is Republican George W. Bush, the father of Obama's predecessor. 

Trump, although he was targeted by the majority of the world for his behavior, until his appearance in the US the coronavirus was a favorite. In fact, the past  recorded a record 1,45 as the odds of winning the election! The lowest percentage given in the four years! 

And from there, became today the huge underdog with less than 45% acceptance by the electorate. And those who did. Lost (Carter and Bush). And that's why analysts give him a maximum of 30% chance of winning. That is, the numbers do not favor him. But we said, he has won only because Trump made it a derby, since a month ago everyone was looking for the second και and now it is said that the two states that judge the results may this time lead to the reversal of all predictions. That is, Biden will win 55% of the vote and Trump will win the presidency. 

Because he has them these abnormal US electoral system. The President should get fewer votes than the second. How do you think Trump was elected? Me 46% vs. 48% of Hillary. And yet, who became President? He, 1-0…
