
Instead, do not say any heavy words in the morning and in the evening, as Karagiozis of Eugenios Spatharis says. All the pseudo-culturalists have learned what racism is and with the slightest reason, for an insignificant reason, they curse every "racist". We are talking about a miserable situation, which lasts longer than the mini skirt.

"Chelsea" was described by some Chelsea fans as the Egyptian player of Liverpool, "Terrorist Salah". They were probably joking. They probably complimented him, because he really is with the goals he scores or serves to a teammate scorer.

Suppose, however, that some assholes called Chelsea a "terrorist" the Liverpool player, and they meant it. So what; Nothing happened. And if the stupid followers are one for the "swearing" in Salah, the stupidity beats in the ten of those who made it an issue.

Let's be serious. And to take into account what is going on in our century. Racism, as understood by the various pseudo-intellectuals and advanced ass politics, is fucking and officially beating. States, police, governments, in the US and Europe, on the spot photograph every dark person as a suspected terrorist and bomber. And rightly so. Believers in Allah and Muhammad are kamikaze Muslims who have done and are doing it again at airports and buildings with hundreds dead.

email> freekick@tipsmaker.net